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Reporting abuse to Refuge

Refuge runs four refuges in Warwickshire.  You are eligible for the service if you are:

  • A woman aged 16 or over without a dependent child, or a woman aged 16 or over with a dependent child/children who normally live(s) with you, and
  • You are fleeing or at risk of domestic abuse (domestic abuse is defined as any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse – psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional – between adults who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This definition incorporates issues such as forced marriage, female genital mutilation and so-called ‘honour’ crimes), and
  • You require specialist accommodation to minimise the risk to yourself and any children, and
  • You understand the purpose of the service and are prepared to engage with the support and safety planning available on site and the support available to help you move to alternative housing

On arrival, you will be greeted by a member of staff, who will show you around and answer any questions you may have.

You will be given a welcome pack, clean bedding, towels, toiletries, and emergency provisions of food.

You will have your own private room with a key, which you will share with any children you have with you.

The bathrooms, fully equipped kitchen and lounge are shared with other residents, except for two of the refuges that self-contained facilities.

There is a laundry room, play room, and garden with play equipment for you to use.

You will be allocated a skilled and experienced key worker who will meet with you regularly to provide emotional and practical support.

She will also be available at other times if you have any urgent problems. Staff are present at the refuge between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday, and there is a 24-hour on-call service for emergencies.

There is an on-site activity programme, which is co-designed with residents, and there are regular meetings where residents can give feedback and shape the service.

In order to keep our residents safe, the refuge locations are strictly confidential and visitors are not allowed, including relatives and taxi or delivery drivers.

Any residents who bring a male to the refuge will be asked to leave.

You are free to come and go at the refuge. There are no curfews in place, and residents live independently.

Your key worker will help you to overcome any challenges you may experience while living at the refuge.

The refuge offers safe, temporary accommodation, specialist advice on housing, legal matters, welfare rights, and counselling, and support to access services.

Your support plan is designed by you and your key worker, and is based on your needs.

The refuge is a stepping stone to a new life free from abuse and fear.

At the refuge, you will be living with other women who have been through similar experiences to you.

You will be supported by staff and the local council into safe move-on accommodation, usually within six months, depending on your needs.

If you would like to be referred, please call Warwickshire’s Domestic Abuse service provider, Refuge, on its helpline number: 0800 408 1552.

Support services

REFUGE: Warwickshire's domestic violence and abuse service - If you are experiencing domestic violence in Warwickshire, Refuge’s domestic violence and abuse service can support you and your children to keep safe. Refuge is a county-wide service that provides support to women, men and children experiencing domestic violence in Warwickshire.

Telephone: 0800 408 1552

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